Adopt-a-WMA: Blue bird house project

Adopt-a-WMA: Blue bird house project

November 9, 2019 by

Background: Ramsey County PF agreed to help the DNR wildlife staff establish a bluebird trail on the Vermillion River WMA as part of our Adopt-a-WMA agreement. The DNR provided the rough cedar lumber, nails and screws. This summer, volunteers from our chapter cut the lumber in pieces for 30 Peterson-style bluebird houses. PF members Michael Hruby, Fred Jew, Mike Farrell, and Troy Stephens volunteered to cut the lumber into bird house kits.

Assembly: RCPF Members along with Cub Scout Pack 90 assembled about approximately 30 Peterson style blue bird houses.

Installation: Dan Jambor and Greg Breining picked up a load of 8-foot steel U-channel sign posts, provided by the DNR, and pounded posts the afternoon of Oct. 9, arranging 26 posts in pairs in a mile-long arc though the restored prairie of Vermillion River WMA, west of Clayton Avenue and just north of the Vermillion River. The theory of the pairs is this: Tree swallows will claim one of the houses and defend the area against other swallows, but they have no objection to bluebirds taking the house nearby.

We carried the houses into the prairie and bolted them to the posts Oct. 26. The work crew consisted of Ramsey County chapter members Dan, Greg, and Rob Johnson (who saved the day with his Gorilla Cart). Also providing invaluable muscle were Minnesota Master Naturalists Susan Binkley, Eva Hansen, and Liz and Ava Crowley. Rob used the app OnX to mark the location of all the bluebird house pairs. Photos, bluebird house locations, and three extra houses were given to DNR Wildlife.

Project completed, followed by beer and burgers at the nearby House of Coates!

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