Chapter Events Information
05-18-2024 Hands on Habitat Day - Robert & Maryln Burman WMA

01-19-24 MN State Convention - Willmar, MN
Board members attended the annual state convention. Event brought all MN chapters together for 2 days of networking, learning and fun - all focused on PFQF Mission and Vision.

2024 Events Calendar
2024 Calendar of Events
1/9/2024: Chapter Board Meeting - Gabe’s Neighbor Bar & Grill, 7:00 pm
· 1/19/2024 – 1/20/2024: Minnesota PF/QF State Convention – Willmar, MN
· 2/13/2024: Chapter Board Meeting - Gabe’s Neighbor Bar & Grill, 7:00 pm
· 3/12/2024: Chapter Board Meeting - Gabe’s Neighbor Bar & Grill, 7:00 pm
· 4/9/2024: Chapter Board Meeting - Gabe’s Neighbor Bar & Grill, 7:00 pm
· 5/14/2024: Chapter Board Meeting - Gabe’s Neighbor Bar & Grill, 7:00 pm
· 5/18/2024 Hands on Habitat Day – Robert & Marilyn Burman WMA – 9:00 am
· 6/11/2024: Chapter Board Meeting - Gabe’s Neighbor Bar & Grill, 7:00 pm
· 7/9/2024: Chapter Board Meeting - Gabe’s Neighbor Bar & Grill, 7:00 pm
· 8/7/2024: PFQF District Meetings – Various Locations, TBD, 6:30 pm
· 8/13/2024: Chapter Board Meeting - Gabe’s Neighbor Bar & Grill, 7:00 pm
· 8/27/2024: Chapter Board Meeting – TBD* (Banquet Preview), 7:00 pm
· 9/7/2024: Annual Banquet – Doubletree by Hilton St. Paul, 5:00 pm
· 9/10/2024: Chapter Board Meeting - Gabe’s Neighbor Bar & Grill, 7:00 pm
· 10/8/2024: Chapter Board Meeting - Gabe’s Neighbor Bar & Grill, 7:00 pm
· 10/10/2024: Rooster & Brews Social – Lake Monster Brewery, 7:00 pm
· 10/12/2024: Minnesota Pheasant Season Opens
· 11/12/2024: Chapter Board Meeting - Gabe’s Neighbor Bar & Grill, 7:00 pm
· 11/14/2024: Rooster & Brews Social – Lake Monster Brewery, 7:00 pm
· 12/7/2024: Chapter Hunt – Whispering Emerald Ridge Game Farm, N3954 640th St, Menomonie, WI 54751
· 12/10/2024: Chapter Board Meeting - Gabe’s Neighbor Bar & Grill, 7:00 pm
Planning is already in process for 2025...2029
All events listed are tentative and subject to adjustment.

11-16-2023 Roosters N Brews

09-09-2023 Banquet
Annual Banquet held at the Doubletree by Hilton St. Paul. Night to raise money to put grass in the ground.
Upcoming Events
No scheduled events or loaded events at this time.
Past Events
Hands-On-Habitat Workday
Apr 09, 2022
9:00 AM

2020 annual banquet
Date(s): Saturday, April 18, 2020
Hours: 5:00 PM
Event: 2020 Annual Banquet
We are excited for our annual banquet, as every year this is the highlight of our local Ramsey County Pheasants Forever Chapter. Each year we have lots to feature and showcase for the upcoming banquet. Register no later than April 8th and you are automatically entered into a drawing for a 26 quart Orca cooler with the Pheasants Forever logo! Good food. Good friends. Games. Raffles. Silent auctions. We look forward to seeing you in attendance on April 18, 2020!!!

Roosters 'n Brews
Date(s): Thursday, March 26, 2020
Hours: 7:00 PM
Event: Roosters 'n Brews
Stop by Lake Monster Brewing and talk all things bird hunting. This is an opportunity to talk to other hunters and reminisce about the past season. New to hunting? Stop by and find out how we can help you get started. Drop in anytime during the 2 hours - this is just an unstructured time to talk with other hunters. FYI - this might be a great chance to purchase a ticket for the gun of the year we are raffling at our upcoming banquet! No registration needed - and dogs are welcome!
Roosters 'n Brews II
Nov 07, 2019
7:00 PM
2019 Banquet
Apr 13, 2019
5:30 PM
2018 Banquet
Apr 14, 2018
5:00 PM

2017 Women's Learn to Hunt
Date(s): Sunday, September 10, 2017
Hours: 8:00 AM
Event: 2017 Women's Learn to Hunt
Our chapter is excited to offer this opportunity for women in Ramsey County to learn about and experience pheasant hunting! We are offering an expanded day of events including: safety training specific to common pheasant hunting scenarios; learning about different hunting breeds and how they work the fields; pheasant habitat and where to hunt in Minnesota; a field hunt (!); a demonstration on cleaning birds; and recipes and tips on cooking pheasant. Lunch is included along with wine and appetizers after the hunt! There is a limit of 10 women - it is recommended participants take the online MN DNR gun safety program. There is no cost for the days events but attendees must provide their own transportation, blaze orange vest and/or hat, suitable shotgun, and shotgun shells. Please call or email to register for this event!

2017 Youth Learn to Hunt Event
Date(s): Saturday, September 09, 2017
Hours: 8:00 AM
Event: 2017 Youth Learn to Hunt Event
Our chapter is excited to offer this opportunity for youth in Ramsey County to learn about and experience pheasant hunting! We are offering an expanded day of events including: safety training specific to common pheasant hunting scenarios; learning about different hunting breeds and how they work the fields; pheasant habitat and where to hunt in Minnesota; a field hunt (!); a demonstration on cleaning birds; and recipes and tips on cooking pheasant. Lunch is included! There is a limit of 12 youth - they MUST have passed the MN DNR gun safety program to participate. There is no cost for the days events but attendees must provide their own transportation, blaze orange vest and hat, suitable shotgun, and shotgun shells. Please call or email to register for this event!
2017 - 5th Annual Banquet
Date(s): Saturday, March 25, 2017
Hours: 5:00 PM
Event: 2017 - 5th Annual Banquet
2016 Chapter Hunt and Dinner
Date(s): Saturday, December 03, 2016
Hours: 12:30 PM
Event: 2016 Chapter Hunt and Dinner
Chapter Hunt at Sand Pine Pheasants in Avon, Minnesota! Great opportunity to meet other members of Ramsey County Pheasants Forever while enjoying an afternoon in the fields.
Cost of the hunt and dinner is only $75.00 per person! Price includes 3 pheasants released per hunter along with dinner afterwards back at the Sand Pine clubhouse. Dinner will include chicken and ribs, along with the trimmings and desert. Beverages are available for purchase at the clubhouse.

4th Annual Banquet
Date(s): Saturday, March 12, 2016
Hours: 5:00 PM
Event: 4th Annual Banquet
Join us on Saturday March 12th, 2016 for the Annual Ramsey County Pheasants Forever Banquet! Click on the Banquets button along the top of this page to be directed to online and mail-in options for registration.

2015 Annual Banquet
Date(s): Saturday, March 14, 2015
Hours: 5:00 PM
Event: 2015 Annual Banquet
Join us on Saturday March 14th, 2015 for the Annual Ramsey County Pheasants Forever Banquet!

Hunter Safety Courses
While we all like to have fun in the field and chase pheasants for miles, safety is one of the most important aspects. We promote and encourage hunter safety in the field. Hunter education classes show both youth and adults the proper way to hold, maneuver and practice proper gun care. We at Minnesota believe it is essential for kids to become familiar with gun operation and be comfortable with handling their firearm. For more information on our youth hunts, please contact us through our website. If you are interested in enrolling yourself or your child in the Minnesota hunter education course, please click the link below.

Learn to Hunt
The future of our sport relies on the efforts of those generations younger than us. To help promote those efforts and educate youth in the importance of what Pheasants Forever, we host an annual hunt, showcasing why our organization is important, but at the same time having some fun with our leaders of tomorrow.
Annual Banquet
Each year Minnesota has an annual banquet to get fellow pheasant hunters and those in the community to gather together in support of our pheasants. Raising money to help the efforts of conservation and habitat that is related to our pheasant population. As well, educating those new members and or youth in why our Pheasants Forever Chapter is important to the sport in our communities. "Click" on the Banquets button below to be directed to online and mail-in registration options.

Monthly Meetings
Join us for our monthly meetings. The Ramsey County Chapter would like to invite all members to attend these meetings. We discuss local habitat projects, youth events, annual banquet or other items related to Pheasants Forever and our local community in Ramsey County. Our meetings are the 2nd Tuesday of each month at Gabe's by the Park, 991 North Lexington Parkway (Lexington and Energy Park Dr.) and start at 7:00pm. PLEASE VISIT THE MEETINGS TAB ABOVE as the specific meeting time and/or location may change infrequently. Current information is always updated on the meetings tab.
Member Hunts
Forming bonds and friendships in the field, all in the efforts of conservation. From time to time we have members getting together as a group to hunt some pheasants in our great state of Minnesota. Check our collection of photos, from the photos of our members in the field, to our chapter events and hunts. All our chapter group photos can be found here. Even a few photos of our favorite hunting companions chasing some birds.

Pint Nights
No business! Just talking all things bird hunting while enjoying a locally brewed adult beverage. We anticipate meeting immediately prior to the MN pheasant opener and approximately every 4 weeks after during the season. New to hunting? This is a casual way to ask questions and learn from experienced hunters. We will bring map books - and we will show you places to hunt. Want to meet other hunters and plan an outing? This is the place!